
Principal Info

Sanaa Soussan, Principal

Telephone: (905) 623-5437

Email: Sanaa Soussan

Vice Principal

VP Info

Stojan Kargov, Vice Principal

Telephone: (905) 623-5437

Email: Stojan Kargov

Vice Principal

Vice Principal Info2

Sarah Hughes, Vice Principal

Telephone: (905) 623-5437

Email: Sarah Hughes

School Contacts

School Contacts

Head Secretary: Cassie Johnson
Kim Wildman
Sonal Gohil
Trustee(s): Cathy Abraham
  Paul Brown
Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees:

Ben Poley

Aanya Singh

School Council Chairperson(s): Kristen Sykes


School Information

School Information

Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM 
Grades: SK-8
School Population: 801

French Immersion

Transitions to: Bowmanville High School
Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

Office Opens   7:30 AM
Yard Supervision Begins   7:55 AM
Warning Bell   8:05 AM
1st Block   8:10 - 09:50 AM 
Nutrition Break (SK-4) / Recess (5-8)   9:50 - 10:10 AM
Recess (SK-4) / Nutrition Break (5-8) 10:10 - 10:30 AM
2nd Block 10:30 - 12:10 PM
Nutrition Break (SK-4) / Recess (5-8) 12:10 - 12:30 PM
Recess (SK-4) / Nutrition Break  (5-8) 12:30 - 12:50 PM
3rd Block 12:50 - 2:30 PM
Bus Departure   2:30 PM
Office Closes   3:30 PM
School Address

School Address

47 Liberty Street North

Bowmanville, ON

L1C 2L8

School History

School History

Duke of Cambridge Public School opened it's doors to students on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. 

The choice of Duke of Cambridge as the name for our Bowmanville school is fitting, as the opening of the school marked a fresh beginning for the school previously known as Ontario Street, which the staff and students have proudly made their own, while the title of Duke of Cambridge was granted to Prince William as he embarked on his new life as well.

We have grown significantly since opening, as the school started with just over 600 students.

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